God is good—even when anxiety comes to the darkness of night

By Dean Collins

Nighttime can be wonderful, but it can also be a time of great anxiety. For most of us, nighttime is a time for rest. It’s the time the body and mind let go of the pressures and troubles of the day. The body finds healing and the mind finds renewal from the wonderful benefit of restorative sleep.

Hopefully, you are one who knows the joy and refreshment of a good night's sleep. However, according to the NSF (National Sleep Foundation), millions of us struggle with sleep disorders that lead to all sorts of problems if not resolved. The importance of sleep is well documented.

Peaceful in the night

Numerous scriptures speak of the rest the Lord gives and also the importance of us following God’s lead in taking a sabbath of rest. Psalm 4:8 is one of my favorite verses. “In peace I lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” God wants us to rest in him and know he is with us even in and maybe especially in the darkness of night.

For many, the late night and the darkness of early morning is a time of great unease. When sickness or urgent medical needs arise in the middle of the night they bring moments of panic. Hearts beat rapidly and adrenaline surges when a family member or friend is awakened with a medical emergency. The phone calls that come in the middle of the night almost always bring bad or startling news.

Serving in the night

The psalmist prays a blessing for priests and temple guards who serve in the night. Find his short and specific words in Psalm 134. These were the saints who guarded the temple and continued prayer and worship throughout the night. As I considered these verses this morning, I felt gratitude for all of the unsung workers who labor for our benefit through the night. Doctors, nurses, emergency vehicle drivers, and EMTs. Truck drivers delivering food, fuel, and an abundance of equipment for businesses and industries that keep the economy going.

I’ve had a couple of friends at different times who call me and tell me God wakes them up in the night to pray for me! While I hate that they might lose sleep because of praying for me, I am simultaneously amazed at the goodness of God and the obedience to God of those who serve God in such a way.

As pilgrims and servants of God left the temple to go home or on their journey, some looked back at the lamps inside the temple and maybe caught a silhouette of a priest lifting his hands in prayer and worship. When they saw this third shift of faithful saints offering prayer and praise to God, thanksgiving welled up in their hearts and they asked God to bless the ones who worship and who pray on behalf of all of us through the watches of the night.

Grateful in the night

There is not a moment when God is not working on our behalf. Every hour of the day someone who loves God is faithfully praying on behalf of the saints and for the good news of Jesus to continue to go forth and bring the restoration, renewal, and peace of God.

Next time God wakes you up in the night, make sure you take a moment to say a prayer for someone you know. Next time you wake up in the morning from a good night’s rest, remember to thank God for the saints you probably don’t know and will never know who prayed for you.

Good is good all the time and through every night. Psalm 134 is an excellent reminder of God’s constant love and protection. It is also a reminder to be grateful for everyone on the third shift!

Your time with God’s Word
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭134:1-3‬ ‭ESV

Photo by cottonbro: www.pexels.com

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