He who predicted his resurrection gave us resources for our mission

By Dean Collins

The time was getting close for Jesus to go to the cross. The disciples had been told in advance what would happen. Peter had protested, thinking he might be able to stop it from happening, but Jesus corrected Peter and continued his walk to his death. Many wanted to be rid of Jesus. They formed a plan and were waiting for the right moment to act. From this side of history, we see the certainty of how things would play out. It is almost incomprehensible that knowing what was ahead, Jesus willingly and lovingly leaned into his mission on our behalf.

As Jesus moved closer to the cross, he told stories about being prepared. He talked of fig trees, wedding parties, masters going on trips, and sheep and goats. All of these parables connected and they intensified as Jesus moved to the upper room and the garden, faced his accusers, and carried our sins to the cross. There were both warnings and invitations to be prepared, not for his death but for his return.

I don’t know about you, but I am not worried at all about the return of Jesus. He predicted both his death and resurrection, so we can trust what Jesus said about his return. Here are the headlines;

He will return (Matthew 24:30)
No one knows when (24:36)
The gospel is to be proclaimed everywhere before he comes (24:14)
There will be a final judgment (25:31)
His word abides forever (24:35)
We have been entrusted with talents and resources to use for Jesus until he comes again (25:14-30)

Entrusted for a mission

This last headline tells a story I’m thinking about this morning.

In the parable of the talents, the employer gave three different employees a job. There wasn’t any uncertainty of who was in charge. There were clear lines of authority. There was also clarity about ownership. The employer gave the assignments and put his resources in the hands of the three employees to use. They weren’t theirs to keep. And don’t forget the employees were already taking care of them before this assignment.

You have probably already figured out our problem. We often forget who’s in charge and that we are the stewards and not the owners. And this is true whether you work in business, in a nonprofit, or are self-employed. God is still the giver of all things and he has entrusted us with his stuff along with our talents to do his work. It is truly amazing that God allows us to use what he has created along with the abilities he gave us to extend his love to everyone around us! We have been given the privilege of using the gifts God gave us to accomplish his mission. So why do we sometimes get stuck, ignore, or even hide from the job Jesus gave us?

Hampered by fear

I can relate to the one-talent employee. He let his fear keep him from doing what he was asked to do. We have all had some of the same thoughts this guy had when he chose to bury his head and his talent in the sand and hoped for the best. That’s a really bad strategy and a sure way to lose out, not only now, but later. Fear of failure will freeze us in our tracks. And fear also may be an indication that we have misplaced our faith and are relying on self instead of trusting in God.

Esau McCaulley recently said this: “There’s a reason that the Scriptures consistently repeat the refrain ‘Do not be afraid.’ One of the greatest weapons that the enemy uses against us is a false fear that denies the power of God. Christ is risen. All things that he wills are possible.”

Using the gifts of God for the purposes of God is both privilege and great responsibility. When we remember that the one who gave us the assignment and the resources to do the assignment is the same one who predicted his death and resurrection, then we can and must step into our assignment and watch what he does.

We cannot allow ourselves to be bothered by what others have or are doing with what they have. We must face down our fear and overcome our hesitations with the power of the resurrection at work in our lives.

Your time with God’s Word
Matthew‬ ‭25:14-30‬ ‭ESV

Photo by Diego PH from Unsplash‬‬
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A note from Dean . . .

In the coming weeks I will be featuring guest writers many Saturdays.  Mark Taylor will continue to write from time to time and will remain as editor for all content on my site.  Mark has launched his own website, Unchosen Journey: A Caregiver’s Walk with Alzheimer’s, related to the news he shared here in December. Check it out at unchosenjourney.com.

I think you will enjoy our Saturday lineup, which will feature a variety of new and old friends who are committed to Jesus and will share some of their journey with you each weekend.


‘Shalom’—the word describes a peace once destroyed, but possible again


Words from Jesus I can’t forget, with a promise I must remember