Sunday review: April 11-16

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Posts this week were a survey of the last days of Jesus’ life, and the perfect prelude to the celebration Christians are enjoying today. Which of these is most meaningful to you, as you reflect on what Jesus did for us?

April 11
Those who participated in the original Palm Sunday did not understand that this ride was not the beginning of an overthrow of the Roman government. This ride was much more significant. It ushered in the reign of a king, but not one of this world. Jesus resisted the temptation to rule for a season. By going to the cross, he made it possible that a new way of life could be ushered in now under his rule that would would span eternity.
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April 12
We know after life ends on this side, another day, a new day, is coming when we will share the resurrection of Jesus. But when we are facing difficulty and are filled with anxiety and suffering, these truths are sometimes hard to keep in front of mind.
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April 13
We come to him with imperfect and flawed lives. We come with our shame and exposure and Jesus meets us there, washes away our sins, and gives us a new garment of praise. He transforms us and clothes us in his righteousness. The shame of the nakedness of the garden is taken away completely by the gift of Jesus on the cross.
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April 14
There are days when the pressures of life, the loss of loved ones, and the suffering of grief bring clouds and darkness to us as well. What is different for us is that because of what Jesus endured and his resurrection, we have access to God. He is present with us in our grief and suffering.
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April 15
Pilate didn’t understand that Sunday was coming.
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April 16
A few weeks ago, my congregation and I ascended a high mountain where we saw Jesus burst into bright light, and speak with Moses and Elijah. We saw him glow at the sound of his Father’s voice: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him!” (Matthew 17:1-8 ESV).
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Photo by Pisit Heng at Unsplash

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