Sunday review: April 18-23

The Easter celebrations may be over, but our need for Jesus continues day by day. We hope this week’s posts were a help to you. Which would you like to read again or share with a friend?

April 18
Instead of simply jumping into today’s activities and planning for the next big holiday or event, why not pause and connect with Jesus? Maybe he has some nets for us to put away as well so we can focus on what it means to be fishers of men and kingdom people who are spreading God’s love and his reign far and wide.
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April 19
The psalmist did what we must all do when we discover sin in our hearts. We must go to the sanctuary of God and let him correct the errors of thoughts. Honesty before God quickly translates to humility and brings repentance. Alone with God, wounds are healed, forgiveness cleanses our attitude, hope is restored, and new possibilities emerge.
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April 20
Our steps of faith have impact on others that we seldom imagine. The things you do in faith today may be the very things God uses to bring life, hope, and salvation to someone you know and likely for many you don’t know.
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April 21
Jesus can break through crowded rooms and crowded thoughts. He can see our needs even when we can’t see ourselves clearly. His voice might come to you while you are in a crowd, but when we hear his voice speak, we must leave the crowds and go to him. Sometimes God will use a friend or stranger to help us take a step, but eventually, we must come to Jesus alone and face-to-face.
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April 22
There will be times when we try to do the right thing as we slow down and rest only to find our rest interrupted by someone with a need. There will also be times when we go in the direction Jesus has given us and find ourselves making headway painfully. In these moments we may wonder if we heard Jesus correctly. We may also find ourselves discouraged by the headwinds. In these moments it will be helpful to remember that Jesus can see us from the shore. He can see our struggle and fatigue. And likely, even before we can pray, we may discover he is already headed our way for the rescue.
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April 23
The fourth Gospel takes us on quite a journey. At the very beginning we learn of one who was in the beginning, was with God, and “was God,” only to discover that very one “became flesh and lived among us” (1:1; 1:14). And now, as the story comes to an end, Thomas looks at resurrected Jesus of Nazareth and calls him “God” (20:28). God, understood in a new way, bookends the story.
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Photo by Toni Hukkanen at Unsplash

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