Sunday review: April 4-9

No one said living the Christian life would be easy. But life isn’t truly easy for anyone. Those who worship God know he will help and guide and strengthen, especially through the truth in his Word hundreds are discovering in weekly posts like these.

April 4
The strong, those with experience and understanding of God through Scripture and practice, are to continue to invest in the weak, even with their misunderstandings and failures.
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April 5
To bring glory to God we must reach out beyond our comfort zone and engage with people who may appear not like us.
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April 6
You don’t need to write daily. You might not be a songwriter. But we somehow need to make sure we memorialize the truth we believe and record it so our children and theirs know not just our history but, more importantly, the faithfulness of God in our various stories. Even if it is just a page or a message you record on your phone, consider what you will leave behind that explains your confidence in the God you trust and follow.
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April 7
God doesn’t waste our past experiences when he calls us to service. And neither does he call us and simply leave us to figure out our next steps. He meets us where we are and does his healing of our past. When we accept God’s assignments, he also continues to develop us as we walk through challenges and open doors, and even as learn from the doors shut in front of us.
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April 8
As Paul addressed the church in Corinth he made sure they remembered that the power of the gospel is not just about good apologetic defense, lofty speech, or the wisdom of men. If we want to see the power of God in action around us, then we must resist trying to outsmart God and simply surrender to what will be considered foolish in the minds of some, yet good news for all who believe. Paul’s words: “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
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April 9
As we enter Passion week, who would you expect if you saw Jesus riding in on a donkey? Would you be waving palm tree branches to a King who was going to bring justice on earth or the Almighty King who would bring eternal justice? Would you expect him to be a King who saves us from our enemies or the Prince of Peace who prays for our enemies?
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Photo byJacob Sedlacek at Unsplash

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Holy Week: Pilate’s question and the decision we, too, must make


If Jesus appeared on a donkey today, what would you want him to do?