Sunday review: January 17-22

Encouragement. Hope. Challenge. Hopefully, you’ve discovered all that and more as you’ve read this week’s posts. Note the link at the bottom of each one, leading you to a printable version for that post. Decide which would most encourage or challenge someone you know, and share it today.

January 17
We get to partner in creating articles, books, businesses, ministries, neighborhoods, commerce, governments, policy, treatments, medicines, foods, songs, and on and on. As image bearers of God, forgiven and made new in Christ, we partner with Jesus in his creative work in the world each day.
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January 18
In many ways it doesn’t make sense, an almighty God giving us responsibility to care for his creation. After all, he knows well our weaknesses. He experienced them as Jesus walked the earth, even taking on the pain of death. But Jesus gave us a new picture of the circle of life. In him we experience resurrection. Forgiveness of sin now. Filled with his Spirit now. Resurrected now to live life a new way, his way, for a little while in these bodies, and later forever in our resurrected bodies that reveal God’s glory.
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January 19
My reading today ended with the first section of the Sermon on the Mount. Nine times Jesus starts a sentence with the word blessed. These beatitudes describe both the way Jesus lived and the characteristics of his kingdom. There isn’t a to-do list in these verses. This list describes those who possess his kingdom, who receive his comfort, who inherit the earth, who are satisfied, who receive mercy, who will see God, who are called God’s sons, and whose reward will be great in Heaven.
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January 20
God can handle our unfiltered emotions including our anger when we believe someone has wronged us or someone we love. God wants to know our thoughts. He is willing to meet us where we are.
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January 21
Before Jesus finished his sentence concerning loving the ones who persecute us, he said this: so that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. He then goes on to explain that God causes the rain to fall on the good and the evil and the sun to rise and set for those who are living right and those who aren’t. I think the point Jesus was making is that God loves everyone, and if we want to follow Jesus, we must do the same.
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January 22
Holiness is a lifelong pursuit. But with each new tear Christians shed in grief for their sin, God makes a promise: “They shall be comforted.”
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Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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God meant even ordinary people to shine his light in a dark world


What can Jesus possibly mean, to say we are blessed by mourning?