Sunday review: January 31—February 5

Among all the opportunities and challenges competing for our attention, how do we choose the best priority? Posts at this site this week help answer that. Which one would you like to read again?

January 31
God has a way of taking our mistakes, our strengths, and our weaknesses and connecting them to his better story. If you think your failures have ruined the story so it cannot possibly have a good ending, you probably aren’t paying attention to the way God has woven his story and master plan all through history.
Read more.

February 1
How many times have we been given the nudge and resisted the choice to obey? I can only speak for myself. More than I want to count. But here is the thing. The older I get, the more I’ve discovered that if I go, God will meet me there. But if we don’t take the prompt, we will likely miss out on a God-sized moment in our lives and in the lives of one or maybe many others.
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February 2
Sometimes those who choose the smaller and faith-based college or university are looked down on because they don’t seem the most sophisticated and can’t possibly compete with the graduates of more prestigious universities. But the impact for Jesus of anyone, with a degree or without, who went to an Ivy League or a small Christian university, will be in direct proportion to the time they spend with him.
Read more.

February 3
I don’t know that I can add anything to this prayer. What I can do is pray it with you, confident that we will indeed experience God’s face of righteousness and be satisfied with his likeness.
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February 4
As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit in us and with us at every turn. He equips us, guides us, empowers us, and uses us to do the work of Jesus. Knowing that he is with us should give us confidence to move forward even in the midst of the wolves of this world.  
Read more.

February 5
Maybe we can muster some memory of longing for a simple hamburger or a working water fountain and wonder, “How often do I feel that instinct to seek the things of God?”
Read more.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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Moses, Matthew, and me ( you too, but I was going for three M’s!)


Hunger is a good thing, especially for life beyond the physical