Sunday review: July 11-16

What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Decide on a fresh answer to that question as you read these quotes from this week’s posts—and maybe choose one or two posts to read completely again.

July 11
Paul began where we must begin our prayers: “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you.” When we come to God to pray for anyone, we begin with thanksgiving that God loves them and desires a relationship with them and that in Christ we have a relationship with them as well. Because Jesus loves us we can and must love one another.
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July 12
Choosing to follow Jesus does not keep us from facing very difficult and painful circumstances. We will still experience the ramifications of many difficult and hard things that happen as a result of the fall of man. However, knowing that Jesus is who he said he was and that he died to redeem all things does change how we can respond to the hard things. The resurrection of Jesus and our promised resurrection means there is an end to hard things and a start to experiencing the wonderful and full renewal of Heaven and earth. We will walk this earth one day fully experiencing all that God created it to be.
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July 13
All my life I have watched God do the impossible in desperate situations. I’ve seen it in work situations, in family situations, in financial situations, in health situations, in church situations, in countries across the globe, and in our homeland. God is a God who brings restoration and fills our mouths with laughter and our hearts with joy. He truly is a God who does great things.
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July 14
Jesus is the answer from God to everything that is broken, damaged, and in need of renewal. The Christ of God is the one who has, can, and will bring deliverance to all from the bondage of sin. Not just his death but his burial and resurrection are evidence that he is not only the love of God but the power of God in our lives and for all things now and to come.
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July 15
It seems that Jesus wanted his early disciples—and all his disciples—to understand that declaring Jesus as the Christ is a big step of obedience, but it is not the only step. In fact, the next steps will force us to consider many decisions. The next steps challenge us to reorient our priorities and our thinking on many things, including what we should be saving and losing.
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July 16
Self-righteousness is a powerful, deadly motivator. We can so easily judge Booth because his actions broke the heart of a nation, but the same attitudes of self-interest and resentment can easily poison our judgment as well. Evidence can be seen in countless failed marriages and scarred, hurting children.
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Photo by Free Walking Tour Salzburg at

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