Sunday review: June 27—July 2

Maybe this holiday weekend will offer you the opportunity to pause, remember God’s blessings and claim on your life, and recommit to serving him in the second half of this year. Maybe posts from our website this week can help with that.

June 27
Imagine what would happen in your home, church, business, or community if we did as Paul described: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more signifcant than yourselves.”
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June 28
If we seek wisdom from others whose minds are set on things and systems of the world, then we will end up with solutions that crumble under pressure. But when we remember that our citizenship is in Heaven, then we must seek the wisdom of Heaven to guide us through the little and the big things we face in life. As we surrender fully to the lordship of Jesus and the wisdom that comes from his Word, then we are transformed by the power that raised Jesus from the dead and will stand victorious now and forever.
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June 29
Ray Stedman said, “A Christian is to be one who is completely fearless, continually cheerful, and constantly in trouble.” I love that definition!
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June 30
Looking to God for our help results in deep and abiding security. The Lord doesn’t sleep while we are in trouble. He is our creator, our defender, our keeper, our sure footing. He will keep us from evil and keep us all of our life. He will keep us as we come and go through life. But we must do what my ancestors did and what the psalmist did centuries before: Look to the hills and discover that our help, real help, eternal help comes from the Lord.
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July 1
Dealing with others, especially those who don’t follow Jesus, without reasonableness and a gentle spirit, simply stirs division and makes the life of Jesus unattractive.
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July 2
All of us can remember to seek God’s blessing on our country, rattled by crises and riddled with controversy. We need his help here now more than ever.
Read more.

Photo by Eduardo Pastor at

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