Sunday review: March 14-19

Life for the Christ-follower is altogether different from life for those who don’t know him. This week’s posts point up some of the differences. Read a few of these again and decide which of them mean the most to you. Choose at least one post this week to share with someone else.

March 14
Jesus calls us to resist title and glory and become servants. He concludes that only humility results in being exalted. To reverse it has deadly consequences.
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March 15
Go ahead and make your to-do list for today. Write down your goals for the week, the month, maybe your whole life. But thanks be to God, there are things you don’t have to worry about because of what God has done for you in Christ!
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March 16
It is easy for us to read about the journey in the wilderness and think that we would have done a better job trusting God, trusting his leader Moses, and being grateful for what God was providing on the way to the Promised Land. But I must admit that sometimes I have become a part of the rabble with my complaints when things didn’t go right, go fast, or go easy enough.
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March 17
Change is usually not a welcome visitor. Most of us prefer the familiar and the predictable, and we will do almost anything to preserve what is familiar. This is part of the problem we have accepting and trusting Jesus. He is always trying to bring his new thing, and we like the old ways. And sadly, some of the old we like involves the sin we do not want to release. We grip tightly to the old habits while Jesus invites us to experience something better.
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March 18
It is truly amazing that God allows us to use what he has created along with the abilities he gave us to extend his love to everyone around us! We have been given the privilege of using the gifts God gave us to accomplish his mission. So why do we sometimes get stuck, ignore, or even hide from the job Jesus gave us?
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March 19
Do you remember the first words the resurrected Jesus spoke to most of his apostles in that room late on the first “first day of the week,” as John likes to call it? “Peace be with you!” Don’t read that as merely saying, “I’m not a ghost, don’t be frightened.” Read it as telling the apostles that for the first time since that piece of fruit was picked and the post-Genesis 3 world was born, Shalom can return.
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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Why evaluate the journey’s start, and see the steps along the way?


‘Shalom’—the word describes a peace once destroyed, but possible again