Sunday review: May 23-28

It’s a holiday weekend in the United States, the perfect opportunity for taking time to reflect on our relationship with God. Use these quotes to remind you of your standing with him. Follow the links to read the posts from which the quotes are taken.

May 23
Based on the sufficiency of God’s grace and the subsequent release of power that comes with surrender, Paul said he would endure and even boast with joy about his weaknesses because then he would experience the power of Christ resting on him. Paul was content with his weaknesses and with all of the difficulties that came with his apostleship because he knew and experienced that through his suffering and weakness he was made strong.
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May 24
Sometimes when I read I like to take a passage in small bites, even separating thoughts and sentences visually so I can consider each and let the Holy Spirit bring direction and correction.
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May 25
Our primary concern must be about sharing Jesus and doing our part to participate as healthy members of the body of Christ. It is in and through the body of Christ, the church, that God does his great work of transforming people’s lives.
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May 26
We must invite the love of God to control us and compel us to treat people, even enemies, with the love of Christ.
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May 27
Even fully aware of the problems in the church at Corinth, Paul said his desire and his prayers for them center around their restoration. Restoration has a multiplier impact. If my relationship with God is restored, then it will lead to restoration in my other relationships. One restored relationship can quickly build on another. Likewise, if we are unwilling to seek restoration with God or with another person, this might indicate that we have drifted back to the flesh instead of walking in Christ led by the Holy Spirit.
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May 28
My passion is to finish well and to finish strong. In the prayer of Moses recorded in Psalm 90:10, he says, “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures.” I like to say that I am now in my “extra strength” years; that is, I’m fulfilled but I’m not yet finished, and I’m not alone. Believe it or not, I know a few dynamic guys who are even older than I am, and they never cease to inspire me! They don’t fear the future, they are embracing it.
Read more.

Photo by Julia Caesar at
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