Sunday review: September 12-17

It’s a daily thing, our walk with Jesus, our trust in God. Day by day by day we have the opportunity to confess our sins and renew our commitment to him. What new ways have you learned to walk with the Lord as you’ve pondered this week’s devotions?

September 12
The creator of the universe who himself rested and enjoyed all of his creation on the seventh day offers us to join him in his rhythm of rest. But it doesn't come to us by a legalism of making sure you take a day off every week or a week off every year, and then years off when we hit retirement age. Those things may be good and helpful, but the rest God offers is much, much more. All of the sabbaths we take are good, but they are only samples or tastes of the real and permanent rest of God that comes by faith and obedience.
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September 13
Whenever tensions arise at work, at home, in a marriage, or in some other organization, as followers of Jesus we must consider whether we are behaving according to the systems of the world or according to Jesus. Putting Jesus as the center and Jesus as Lord creates a level place for our discussions. What he wants and how he sees the world is our best guide and our final authority.
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September 14
One thing I have figured out during my faith journey is there is a lot more going on than I can see, and significantly more I don’t understand than what I do. What is critical is to trust that God has all authority, knowledge, and a plan. He has revealed enough to us for us to have confidence in him. Since he is the author and finisher of the story, we live by faith now and will see and understand fully later.
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September 15
I think some of our challenges with our plans are rooted in our willingness to surrender heart, mind, soul, and strength to the Lord. As long as we think we are the smartest and the best for the job, then we will likely interfere with what God could do with us and with our strengths and through our weaknesses. And by the way, God wants to use both our strengths and our weaknesses for his glory and to produce his kingdom outcomes.
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September 16
His words can bring comfort, hope, and courage. His clear voice can break through the shadows and the darkness. His call to us can prevent tragic mistakes. When we are in doubt, in fear, or in trouble, our best option is to go to Jesus in prayer and listen for his voice. No darkness or opposition can prevail over the voice of our good shepherd Jesus.
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September 17
Pray regularly and with intention. Pray for opportunities to share God’s love with those inside the church and those outside of faith. Pray for other believers to do the same. Don’t try to impress others with your words but rather practice being clear in what you say. Walk toward non-Christians with love and kindness, both in action and speech, and build relationships. These relationships allow more time to share God’s love. And then start over with the same method each day.
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Photo by Patrick Fore at

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