Sunday review: September 19-24

We need to live each day understanding that it is but a moment in the eternity God is controlling. Build your confidence in his plan for the future as you read again some of the devotions posted this week.

September 19
The busyness of everyday life and the added amount of time we spend with social media content seems to be eroding activity and relationships that bring real life, increase wisdom, and unite God’s people.
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September 20
There is a day coming when death is gone forever. And when Jesus returns, he will wipe away tears from all of our faces. We will have no more fear of death. We will have no fear of scarcity. We will have no fear of suffering. Our God the God who made old, faithful, and true plans will reign, and we will be with him and our loved ones forever.
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September 21
Sometimes we need someone to remind us. God’s Word is true. It is living and active, and it comes from a living, active, and powerful God who has not and will not forget us. Isaiah reminds us that the young and the old can become physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually fatigued. But God offers to step in with his strength, his Spirit, and by his power to speak and breathe life and hope into our situation.
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September 22
From day one of his ministry until the last day of his life, Jesus stayed focused on us. He knew that in order for you and me to receive forgiveness, transformation, and the gift of eternity with him, his full surrender including death was required.
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September 23
It is okay to long for our old routines, especially when they lead us to God’s Word and his promises. But don’t cling too tightly to the old or you just might miss the wonderful glory of the new things God is doing even now all around us.
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September 24
It’s okay if you feel like you need to educate God the next time he gives you an assignment. But I would recommend that after you tell him everything you think he needs to understand, then go ahead and do what he asked you to do. You might just be witness to another of God’s transformational miracles!
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Photo by Andre Benz at

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