The Mountain of New Beginnings
Imagine the scene of Jesus ascending the mountain to teach, echoing the moment when Moses went up to receive the Ten Commandments. But this time, a new message emerges—one of grace, blessing, and a new way to live in the kingdom of God.
Obedience Over Knowledge
The Israelites' repeated failures to obey God’s commandments serve as a backdrop to Jesus’ obedience, where He exemplifies the power of doing God’s word, even in the face of temptation.
Moses and Jesus: A Divine Parallel in Redemption
Just as Moses led God’s people out of Egypt, Jesus came to bring spiritual deliverance. Matthew’s gospel bridges the Old and New Testament, showing how Jesus fulfills the promises made to Israel, revealing God's grand plan for redemption.
The Lamb and the Covenant
Jesus' role as the “Lamb of God” is announced by John the Baptist, setting the stage for Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, fulfilling the meaning of Passover through His death on the cross.
The Gift of Jesus Never Ends, and the Prayer of Jesus Always Applies
This Christmas, we are invited to answer Jesus’ prayer by striving for unity in the body of Christ, letting our love and oneness make His presence visible to the world around us.
We found Jesus!
When the twins returned, Alice discovered Jesus under the couch, illustrating how, like in life, sometimes we need to seek God intentionally to rediscover His presence.
The Little Town, the Big King
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and await His return, we can relate to the Israelites’ longing for deliverance and the sense of waiting that often makes our hope feel distant, yet we know Jesus will return to restore all things.
Jesus - Better than Santa Claus
In the midst of Christmas traditions like writing letters to Santa, we are reminded that prayer is not a wish list but a deep connection with our Creator, as taught by Jesus.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
While it's natural to seek perfect gifts for loved ones, James reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from God, who offers the ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus.
How do we respond when we know Jesus wants us to take a break?
In times of fatigue and struggle, we can trust that Jesus sees our challenges from afar and will always arrive in time to offer comfort, rescue, and calm the storms in our lives.
With different backgrounds, we share one hope and one mission
Our discipleship is a process that leads to becoming more and more like Jesus so that our witness is a more clear reflection of God to others.
Today’s Problem is NOT the End of My Story
The essence of Job’s words is this: whatever you are facing today is not the end. Whatever the obstacles, whatever the health crisis, whatever the financial mess, however damaged the relationship, however high the mountain to climb, whatever we face currently, is not the end of our story.
The example and teaching of Jesus lead us to keep on praying!
We should always pray and never lose heart because God has already demonstrated his faithfulness to us over and over again.
Jesus wants us to have childlike faith
Greatness equals servanthood in the kingdom of God. Being first is not and is never the goal.
Think there’s not enough? Maybe, instead, you should expect leftovers!
Jesus doesn't need us to perform his miracles. He just needs our courage and our obedience.
We can do better than celebrate: Stop, ponder, contemplate, tremble
The gospel is born and bathed in mystery. At Christmas, let’s not take the wonder for granted.
Only someone worth following could be called both ‘Rock’ and ‘Lamb’
When we think of WWE, we easily associate The Rock with someone strong. The term applies to the one who saves us, but then the Bible uses a far different word for him, too.
Even the ancient prophet can help us see what the world needs now
What the world desperately needs to see is the church in full bloom living out the ways of Jesus that he taught us in the Gospels.
I’m still learning to be more like my teacher. How about you?
“Jesus said that when a disciple is fully trained he will be like his teacher. I don’t know about you but I am not fully there yet. I know a lot of Scripture. But if our ultimate guide and teacher is Jesus, then I have a long way to go.”
King of kings and Lord of Lords. He shall reign forever. Hallelujah!
What an amazing Savior and King we have! We can sing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and sense his closeness or listen to “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and imagine the strength and power of Almighty God.