Moses and Jesus: A Divine Parallel in Redemption
Just as Moses led God’s people out of Egypt, Jesus came to bring spiritual deliverance. Matthew’s gospel bridges the Old and New Testament, showing how Jesus fulfills the promises made to Israel, revealing God's grand plan for redemption.
The Call in the Midst of the Noise
Moses’ encounter with the burning bush on Mount Horeb exemplifies how God calls us in quiet, profound moments to a deeper understanding of His presence and purpose.
How God Uses Ordinary People for Extraordinary Purposes
In the same way, we can trust that when we seek God and offer ourselves to His will, He will use us in His grand story of redemption, often in ways we cannot foresee, just as He used both the influential and the powerless in Moses' story.
Beyond the Frights: Embracing Faith Amid Fear
The writer of Hebrews contrasts the fearful encounter of the Israelites at Mount Sinai with the hope and assurance found in the new kingdom established by Christ, emphasizing the importance of faith in this journey.
How Family Tales Shape Our Faith
Just as Moses shared lessons from history, we should also recount our own stories of faith and struggle with family, fostering understanding and connection across generations.
Moses: A Man of Prayer
Despite his pivotal role as a leader, Moses is not often immediately associated with prayer in popular perception, yet his journey reveals a consistent pattern of intimate dialogue and supplication with God.
Been goin’ around the mountain? Maybe it’s time to take a new path
God is not simply a God of history but a living God who loves us and calls us into his promises.
‘For 17 years now . . . .” Thinking about my journey with prayer
As is true with so many others, I have prayed some prayers over and over again for many years. I pray because I believe God is listening and will answer.
It will happen to all of us, and for all of us the work will continue
None of us has the promise of old age. But if we live to enjoy it, God will still need us to spread kingdom influence.
The message isn’t difficult to understand. But what comes after that?
The history of people of faith over the centuries has demonstrated that the instructions we’ve received are not that hard to understand. Our trouble is with implementation!
Been goin’ around the mountain? Maybe it’s time to take a new path
I wonder if there is anyone reading today who needs to hear what I heard this morning: “It’s time to turn northward and stop walking around in circles.”
How this story shows the high price that comes with divisive behavior
There is a high price for divisive behavior. And, as this story shows, it might be a higher price than one would ever choose to pay.
Unexpected turns, unwarranted fear, lessons in faith and prayer
The story of Moses and his people investigating the Promised Land is rich in implications for the faith of believers today.
Lessons from Moses: seeking our ‘70’ and yielding to God’s Spirit
If we have ever led anything or anyone, we can relate to the complaints Moses heard. Can we relate to the actions he took?
Better than a traffic light: how we know to go forward with God
God’s presence with the Israelites told them whether to stop or go. We have his presence, too, and it is even more wonderful than what they experienced.
Moses wanted what all of us need, the presence of God with us
We can approach God with the same boldness Moses had. God has promised his presence with us.
Don’t stop a few steps short from all God has in mind for us
I didn’t expect much from a visit to Mount Nebo. But of all the places in the world I’ve been privileged to visit, Mount Nebo has impacted me the deepest.
A season and a psalm to remind us how quickly our time flies by
The clock ran out on Moses as it will for each of us. Time marches forward whether we use our time wisely or not.
Public shaming, unyielding punishment, or grace for accidental error?
God told Moses to provide for those who killed someone accidentally. Does this speak to our own tendency to rush to judgment whenever someone is accused of wrong?
Why evaluate the journey’s start, and see the steps along the way?
Moses chronicled each stop and start on the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. Likewise, we do well to mark where we began and where we’re going.