Why comparing my sin—to yours, or even to my past—is a waste
Transformed by God's grace, Paul emphasizes that his former ignorance and actions were met with mercy, allowing him to become an example of Christ’s perfect patience.
How great a debt Jesus paid
Paul said it well: All have sinned and fallen short. And thank God for our current season of the year, where we consider the great price Jesus paid on the cross so that every sinner can have their sins forgiven.
Three tips for weeding your garden, and other untended places
A favorite post, deserving of a second read.
A biblical perspective on high temperatures and widespread suffering
I don’t have all the answers for what is happening to Earth, but Paul’s words in Romans remind us that our suffering and the suffering of all creation is temporary.
Three tips for weeding your garden, and other untended places
When it comes to weeding, I’m afraid my thoughts go faster to the devil than to God. Reflections from a summertime gardener.
Why our calling includes much more than simply avoiding the ‘big’ sins
Paul lists several “big sins,” and most of us do pretty well avoiding them. But we may miss the positive command he adds to his instruction.
Three tips for weeding your garden, and other untended places
When it comes to weeding, I’m afraid my thoughts go faster to the devil than to God. Thoughts from a summertime gardener.