Lost in the Screen
While smartphones and devices help us stay connected and productive, the constant distractions they create often make it harder to find peace or time for spiritual reflection.
What we need if we want to grow fruit—or a relationship with God
The prophet Jeremiah warns against placing our trust in ourselves or earthly alliances instead of relying on God, who is the true source of life and strength.
Balancing Routine and Renewal
While some people thrive on constant change and innovation, others, including myself, find comfort in maintaining consistent daily routines, particularly when it comes to balancing personal and spiritual practices.
The Fall Fashion of Faith
The practice of layering in fashion, which offers warmth and style, does not translate well to spiritual maturity, where the Apostle Paul advocates for a complete change in our spiritual “wardrobe.”
Foundations for Spiritual Growth
When believers unite in Jesus over everything else, then that unity will produce the fruit of the Spirit for life in the church, and the world will see the coming of the Lord.