When to Wait, When to Go, How to Trust—a Challenge for All Believers
In moments of fear or confusion, God calls us to stand still and trust that He will fight our battles for us. Too often, we rush ahead, trying to control outcomes, but sometimes God’s plan requires us to wait for His intervention. Trusting God’s sovereignty means acknowledging that He is in control, even when our instincts push us to act prematurely.
Choosing 100% Faith in God
We must put 100% of our faith and confidence in God, just as Joshua and Caleb did, knowing that true unity and peace come from following His guidance and truth.
Trusting God in Difficult Moments
We are so conditioned to think that we must figure it out and be self-sufficient, yet time and time again we are told to place our trust firmly in the Lord and not lean on our understanding.
Be Still and Watch: Letting God Work in Our Lives
Moses’ words to the Israelites—“Fear not. Stand firm. See the salvation of the Lord”—are a reminder that God is in control, even when our circumstances seem completely out of our hands.
Walking in the Word
By delighting in God's word and meditating on it daily, we are reminded that we can avoid the influence of the wicked and remain rooted in His truth, which leads to prosperity and spiritual growth.
How Trusting God Dissolves Anxiety
The Bible acknowledges our fear and provides comfort, with Psalm 56 offering David’s example of placing trust in God during moments of fear and anxiety.
The Sandwich Generation
Drawing inspiration from Psalm 144, we connect David’s experiences with the struggles faced by the sandwich generation, highlighting the importance of faith and divine support in navigating life’s challenges.
Endurance, Encouragement, and the Mind of Christ
Endurance is not merely about waiting but is a transformative process that, according to Paul, increases our confidence in God’s promises and leads us to embody Christ’s attitudes and actions.
Which path will you take?
Ultimately, Psalm 1 explains two different ways to be human. Two paths that we can take. The first path is one that reflects the life of God. The alternate path is the path of the wicked.
Trusting God’s Plan Over Anxiety
Instead of being consumed by worry, we can choose to pray and seek God's guidance, trusting that He will direct our paths and help us navigate uncertainties.
Perishable But Not Perishing
All suffering experienced in our perishable bodies is temporary, akin to the perishable nature of worldly problems, reminding us to place our trust in Christ, whose promises ensure that our efforts and trials serve eternal purposes.
How should we feel when it seems clear, “There isn’t enough”?
When Elisha’s servant was told to give the bread to the 100 he asked, “How can I set this before 100 men?” It seemed obvious that the amount was insufficient to the need.
The Tug of Glory
The problem is the pull or drift toward wanting to get a little glory because once we get it, we almost always want a little more, and the pursuit of this glory is hard to cut off or stop.
When we wait and watch, God’s need-quenching blessings spring forth
Surrendering to God's plan requires faith in His reasons and timing, acknowledging His sovereignty and provision in every circumstance.
Finding Answers in Questions
Drawing from Habakkuk's journey, the narrative concludes with a call to embrace trust amidst uncertainties, echoing the prophet's declaration of unwavering faith in God's providence, even in the face of adversity.
Trusting God's Promises
In Isaiah 55, the prophet offers comfort and guidance to those navigating hardships, emphasizing the importance of faith in God's provision during scarcity.
Trusting God in the Unknown
Every aspect of life, from major projects to daily tasks, benefits from seeking God's wisdom and guidance.
Embracing the Reality of Following Jesus
Following Jesus isn't a guarantee that life will be easy or that everything will fall into place; rather, it's a journey of transformation where trust in Him is essential, not merely relying on Him as a good luck charm.
I’m learning what the Bible teaches: God specializes in ‘slim to none’
Many scenarios in life, mirrored in biblical tales, illustrate the triumph of faith over seemingly insurmountable odds.
Let go and let God
Obedience to what Jesus tells us is foundational to our ability to experience his joy and the fruit of the spirit that flows to us and in us as we abide in Christ.