The Power of Small Steps
Whenever you begin something new or different, it is normal to wonder if you can ever finish it. And the bigger the task, the easier it is to lack confidence in the daily steps and tasks it takes to get to the finish and see your project or work completed.
At the beginning of the new year, you may have set some personal goals. Maybe you are determined this year to focus on your health, get more sleep, or read more books. It could be that you started something last year, and while you have made progress, you believe that you will never be able to get to the finish line in your business, your financial goals, or in some difficult relationship struggle. If you are struggling to see the progress, then Zechariah might have just the word for you. And for me!
The Jewish people were relieved that Zerubbabel had laid a foundation for the temple, but the task of actually rebuilding it seemed slow and impossible as they considered the ruins around them. It likely felt like the small steps of progress they had made in the work of restoration would never be enough to finish the task. God gave Zechariah a prophecy for his people: “Whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plumb line in the hands of Zerubbabel.”
Sometimes it is hard for us to trust and rest on the promises of God’s word in long seasons of struggle or in projects that seem to have no end. But maybe we need to reconsider our attitude in light of Zechariah’s word. God uses all the small steps to accomplish his purposes, and he also provides all the resources. Earlier in chapter four, God told Zechariah that he would accomplish his purposes “Not by power or by might but by my Spirit.” This was wonderful news for Zachariah to pass on to those who were wondering if or how they could ever finish rebuilding the temple. It is also wonderful news for us!
Think of all the time that passed between Malachi and Matthew’s gospel. Think of all the time between the baby Jesus being born until he gave his life on the cross for us. Think of all the time that passed between Pentecost and our current moment. And think of all that God was doing, is doing, and will do by the power of his Holy Spirit even as we take the small steps we are given in accomplishing his purposes.
Go ahead and continue the small steps you are taking to accomplish the mission you are on. God’s promises are true and reliable. Knowing that God is working in us and will accomplish his kingdom purposes for us changes everything. So do not despise the small steps you take today because God just might be doing something really big through your obedience!
Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus whose birth we just celebrated. As we begin this year, we pray for the courage to trust your plans for us. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who works in us and through us to accomplish your plans for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your Time with God’s Word
Zechariah 4:4-10 ESV
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova
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