Walking in the Light: Isaiah's Hope for Victory
By Dean Collins
Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah spoke a word that described the coming Messiah. While the first listeners of Isaiah’s message were struggling with feelings of abandonment due to their exile, the prophet was assuring them that God was still present and that he had a plan for their restoration. I doubt Isaiah could truly imagine all that God was saying to him, but he was determined to be obedient to God’s message.
When we read Isaiah 50:4-10, we can’t help but see how accurately Isaiah described the Jesus we read about in the gospel records. As we consider this passage, it is important to remember that while we can be moved by the poetry of this passage, there is also great application for us as well.
The obedient Son of God, Jesus, was given wisdom as he was willing to surrender to his Father’s instructions. You and I can experience the daily instructions of God and be transformed by the Spirit of God as we seek him daily. Isaiah said, “Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.” When we determine to come to God every morning with our ears opened to him and eyes set on seeing what he has for us in the word and in this new day, God will honor our obedience and fill us with his wisdom.
Isaiah continued by acknowledging that he not only opened his ears to listen, but he determined to not be rebellious or turn away from God even in the middle of suffering. The first hearers of this passage in Isaiah were in exile because of their rebellion. The prophet was teaching and modeling what Jesus would later model as well: when we are obedient, even in the middle of our suffering, God will help us, sustain us, and use us for his glory.
Jesus didn’t just endure ridicule and abuse during his final hours before the crucifixion. He was tempted by his adversary and chose to trust God, even when the enemy tried to distract and disrupt God’s divine plan. We, too, can have victory over temptation and the various interruptions the enemy may bring as we cling to God and claim the promises of scripture. Just as Jesus spoke God’s truth out loud to the enemy, we can do the same and watch the enemy flee.
Isaiah assures us that in the end all our adversaries will be defeated. Every disruption, attack, and suffering will eventually end. We may have temporary disgrace at the hands of others, but God is near and his plan for us will be achieved. Hear the words of the psalmist:
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” (Psalm 138:7)
Though there is plenty of darkness in this world, we walk in the light. As we trust in the name of the Lord and rely on God, his word will light our paths and by his Spirit we will see victory, soon and forever.
Father, thank you for the beautiful words of Isaiah, who described the sacrifice of Jesus for us. Thank you for saving us and promising to walk with us in every situation. Be glorified in our obedience today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your Time with God’s Word
Isaiah 50:4-10 ESV
Photo by Kasuma: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-man-walking-in-hole-172738/
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