What’s true today has been true for centuries: hard times will come
By Dean Collins
Times of difficulty will come. That is exactly what Paul told Timothy as he continued to help his protege develop and mature as a pastor and leader within the church. In the last days there will come times of difficulty, he said. It may be tempting to think Paul is giving Timothy a hint about when Christ will return, but to do that is to misinterpret Paul’s teaching.
Last days
Luke tells us in Acts 2 that Peter quoted the prophet Joel on the day of Pentecost, declaring that in the last days God would pour out his Holy Spirit upon his people and that we would by his Spirit extend his kingdom. We have lived in the last days ever since Pentecost. It might be tempting to try and interpret recent events as an indication that Jesus is returning soon, but we must be careful to keep perspective about what Jesus told his disciples: “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”
Posing at the 25th anniversary celebration of Hamas, December 8, 2012
Since the church began some have thought that new wars, natural disasters, pandemics, and the combination are clear signals of Jesus’ return. I tend to take the position that Jesus spoke the truth and he didn’t create some secret way someone could prove otherwise to know the time he would appear again to restore all things. I do believe we are closer to Jesus’ return than at any time in history. That will be true every day until he comes again in glory.
Times of difficulty
The apostle Paul also said that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty. We certainly encounter examples all around us every day. Just as Paul predicted, we see “lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive,” and on and on. These examples fill our social media feeds and are sadly evident in business, government, and even worse, the church. Paul warned that many will live having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. To say we are followers of Christ, then, requires that we allow God’s Holy Spirit to form us. And when the Holy Spirit forms us, our behaviors and attitudes will align with the mind and heart of Christ.
God’s rescue
Paul reminded Timothy and others that they had seen Paul live out his faith, not just talk about it. Paul was transparent about his suffering just as he shared the joy he had in Christ. Consider the power of this description from the apostle Paul: “. . . my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me.”
As a reminder, Paul is referencing that he was stoned and left for dead by those from Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. But he explains here that though he endured these extreme persecutions, the Lord rescued him from all of his suffering! What a comfort to know that as we live our lives for God, even as we experience suffering and harsh treatment, God will ultimately rescue us completely.
Eternal purposes
Paul takes Timothy to the very place we must rest with great confidence. The sacred words of the inspired Scripture writers have left us truth that is living, breathing, and rock solid. God’s Word is trustworthy. His Word is the source of life and can withstand criticism and questioning. It has endured through the centuries and is unchangeable, but its truth can change and shape us for the eternal purposes of God.
So in these last days don’t give in to the chatter on your social media feeds or panic at the evening news. Yes, there are plenty of serious problems in our world, but God is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine when we surrender to him and allow our lives to be formed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Then we will be able not only to endure hard times but will be used by God to lead others to Christ through whatever challenges may come.
Father, thank you for your trustworthy Word! Thank you for Jesus who saves us. Thank you for the example of the saints of old like Paul who instructs us in how to live in times of suffering. We surrender to you today and pray you will use us for your purposes. We want to glorify you in all we do. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Your time with God’s Word
2 Timothy 3:1-5, 10-17; Matthew 24:36 ESV
Photo by Fars Media Corporation via Wiki Commons
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