Why comparing my sin—to yours, or even to my past—is a waste
Transformed by God's grace, Paul emphasizes that his former ignorance and actions were met with mercy, allowing him to become an example of Christ’s perfect patience.
Breaking bread together—a strategy from Jesus for us to use today
As they shared a meal, the moment Jesus broke the bread sparked joyful recognition of his identity, connecting their past experiences with him to the present reality of his resurrection.
All of us know about death, but there is life many have not discovered
It’s vital to not only support those grieving loss but also to reach out to the spiritually dead, sharing the transformative good news of Jesus and offering them the hope of resurrection.
No matter our age, we can have impact by taking up Kingdom duties
Despite our various roles and stages in life, the gospel calls us to a new purpose: to live as ambassadors of God’s love, sharing His message and transforming lives through His grace.
How to run your final lap, before you move to the bleachers
Observing the final moments of a loved one’s life reveals their shedding of earthly burdens as they approach the heavenly finish line, reflecting Hebrews 12's depiction of the race.
Five tips from Isaiah for those who want to be servant leaders
Isaiah's message encourages leaders to remain steadfast and assured of God’s support, trusting that they are never alone in their leadership journey.
When it seems you have too much to consider, start here
Believers are encouraged to pray consistently for fellow Christians, particularly those facing severe challenges and persecution globally, recognizing the critical nature of supporting each other in faith.
Here’s how I plan to keep today’s bad news from making me afraid
Isaiah 26:3 reminds us that keeping our focus on God can bring us perfect peace, even amidst the fear and negativity often amplified by news and media.
God is there, even when your hopes and expectations are dashed
The exiles were surprised by the length of their captivity, yet Jeremiah reassured them that God's plans were for their good, offering a future and hope even when their immediate situation seemed bleak.
Better than artificial intelligence for quelling social media conflict
Maybe AI can help us learn what Solomon tried to teach us several centuries ago. Proverbs 17: 27 offers advice that AI might have recently confirmed: “Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.”
Might you be looking for greatness in all the wrong places?
Jesus' unconventional approach to greatness, exemplified by his embrace of children and emphasis on selfless service, challenges conventional wisdom and calls for a reevaluation of personal goals and values.
Sometimes only one choice is best when you feel you must act now
Fear and fatigue can distort our perceptions, as seen when Jesus calmed his disciples' fears during a storm, emphasizing the reassurance and guidance available through prayer.
How should we feel when it seems clear, “There isn’t enough”?
When Elisha’s servant was told to give the bread to the 100 he asked, “How can I set this before 100 men?” It seemed obvious that the amount was insufficient to the need.
Maybe we’re supposed to extend the Kingdom more than defend the cause
After thinking about the psalmist’s outcry to God, I decided I, like him, have a troubling tendency to tell God how to do his work.
How to react when the spreadsheet says you don’t have enough
The contrast between worldly success and spiritual sufficiency highlights a recurring tension: while culture often demands excess and perfection, embracing God's sufficiency can lead to deeper contentment and alignment with spiritual values over material achievements.
As we deal with our troubles, we can point others to God
What if the difficult things we go through and the suffering we experience have something to do with advancing the gospel? Would it stir more resolve and commitment to the places he has put us or to the people we are called to serve?
When we wait and watch, God’s need-quenching blessings spring forth
Surrendering to God's plan requires faith in His reasons and timing, acknowledging His sovereignty and provision in every circumstance.
No better invitation: ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’
Ultimately, Psalm 34 serves as a testimony to God's faithfulness and goodness, offering assurance to believers that He is a reliable source of strength and deliverance in every circumstance of life.
Jesus may not do what we want and when we want it, but he will prevail
Ultimately, embracing Jesus' kingdom plan brings fulfillment, peace, and the promise of eternal reward, outweighing any momentary desire for personal control or immediate gratification.
I’m learning what the Bible teaches: God specializes in ‘slim to none’
Many scenarios in life, mirrored in biblical tales, illustrate the triumph of faith over seemingly insurmountable odds.