I Hope It Was A Catchy Melody!
Some of you can probably remember a few older “rock” songs that had lots of words or went on forever. The rest of you will have to Google a few of these classics. For instance, when I was in a band in 1974, we frequently played a song called “Get Ready” by Rare Earth. It didn’t have lots of words, but it lasted about 20 minutes! And then there was Don Mclean’s hit called “American Pie” that did have lots of words but at least had a catchy refrain. (I am sorry that it is now stuck in your head!)
It is fascinating to me how music impacts our memory. I doubt that I am unique in that I can remember all the words to songs I learned long ago but couldn’t sing a line from a song that I might have sung in the last week! I have no idea whether the song of Moses from Deuteronomy 32 had a melody or not. We certainly know that faithful Jews over the centuries have placed emphasis on the song of Moses because of how it summarizes how God delivered the Israelites out of Egypt and brought them to the promised land. Over and over again in scripture we find the admonition of passing on God’s story to your children and grandchildren. The song of Moses would have certainly been a part of what was taught repeatedly.
At least once a week I take a prayer walk. On these walks I quote scripture, sing songs of praise, and pray through lists of names that I have been asked to pray for, as well as names the Holy Spirit brings to my mind. I have shocked myself a few times that I sometimes have gone 20 minutes quoting scriptures from memory. I don’t say that to brag, in fact, as long as I have been a follower of Christ and considering the number of times I have read the Bible, I think maybe I should have hours of scripture memorized. I bring it up, though, to reinforce how scriptures and music work together in ways that teach and reinforce God’s word.
There was a season of my life about 40 years ago where I learned lots of scripture songs and even wrote some. Those years are long gone, but I can still quote and sing many of those verses. They are a part of my life and often come to mind in times of praise as well as in times of stress.
Here is a challenge for you and for me. Learn more scripture, whether through music or simply by repeating it until you have it memorized. Then use that scripture in your prayers and times of private worship. And finally, don’t forget to pass on God’s story from scripture, along with the story he is writing in your life, to the next generation. There is great comfort, help, correction, and encouragement in the living word of God!
Father, thank you for giving us your word. Thank you for our spiritual ancestors who memorized your words, wrote them down, and passed them along through the centuries so that we have them today. Now, Father, fill our hearts and minds with your words so that we might bring you glory as we pass along your words to those who come along beside us and who follow us in the future generations. In Jesus name, amen.
Your Time with God’s Word
Deuteronomy 32 ESV
Photo by Pexels
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