The new thing Jesus is doing is better than anything we can imagine

By Dean Collins

Our natural default is to the old things. We like our routines, and we may feel frustrated when we’re so busy our routines are interrupted. My last week was like that. Almost everything I do routinely was interrupted. I found myself longing for the way I usually manage my days. I like to get up at a certain time, have my first cup and second cup of coffee at a certain time, do my reading, praying, and writing at a certain time, and on and on. When my routines are interrupted, I find myself longing for the old and predictable ways that seem to ground me.

There is value in knowing ourselves well enough to pursue the routines that ground us spiritually, the daily practices that help us stay healthy, rested, and better focused. But today Isaiah reminded me that God is doing a new thing. And while God’s new ways are emerging, God promises to get us through every difficulty that keeps us at times from seeing and understanding what he has planned for us in his new kingdom.

Jesus ushers in God’s new thing

The prophet Isaiah delivered the message for those returning from exile that God would get them through every difficulty and obstacle on the way to experiencing the new reality that was ahead in a restored Jerusalem. But his words also apply to us. The prophet’s words spoke to the emerging situation for the exiles but also for the emerging situation for all who are faithfully following Jesus now. In fact, it is Jesus who would usher in this new thing that God was doing. His death and resurrection sealed the new plan.

Because of Jesus we know that God will get us past the floods, the fires, and any other obstacles ahead. His victory over his suffering and even death guarantees it.

Because of Jesus we do not need to fear anything. He is with us now and will remain with us until eternity.

Jesus has declared that we are his witnesses who will share with others the good news that comes from this new thing God is doing.

Because of Jesus our sins, every one of them, have been forgiven and we are made whole.

I see with my very own eyes . . .

It is okay to long for our old routines, especially when they lead us to God’s Word and his promises. But don’t cling too tightly to the old or you just might miss the wonderful glory of the new things God is doing even now all around us. Do not let politics, economics, family challenges, or the brokenness of the world keep you from seeing that God is in fact doing a new thing. His plan can and will bring restoration wherever there is brokenness. His new plan will bring love where there is hatred. His new plan even brings life where death seems to have won.

One of the games my grandchildren enjoy playing is “I spy.” You remember that old game? One person begins by seeing something and saying, “I spy with my very own eyes something that is….,” inserting a color or some other description in the blank. The others in the game then try and guess the object.

What would it be like if every day we began by trying to spy with our very own eyes something new God is doing around us? And then decided to join him watching this new thing come to life for the benefit of others? I suspect that one thing would happen. We would begin to notice what God is doing and even better, maybe find him working in and through us to see his kingdom actually come here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Your time with God’s Word
Isaiah‬ ‭43:1-2, 5-7, 10-11, 18-19, 25‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Photo by Icarius at Unsplash

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