Trust, victory, and grace: an experience of Elisha to help us today

By Dean Collins

Don’t panic. What you’re facing today might be tough and you may have opposition, but the enemy cannot outsmart God. David said it clearly in Psalm 34:7: “GThe angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.” When we walk in unity with God’s purposes and are led by the Holy Spirit, we know God is with us and around us and will not allow anyone intent on disrupting God’s purposes to defeat them.

A desperate king, a faithful God

Chapter 6 of 2 Kings reports that the king of Syria was making war against Israel. God’s faithful prophets of old, including Elisha, always spoke God’s truth and worked in alignment with God’s plans. However, the kings of Israel were not always surrendered to God.  In this case, while the king of Israel was not aligned with God’s plan, Elisha was determined to protect Israel from the king of Syria. That king was particularly annoyed by the prophet Elisha, who seemed always to know what evil he had planned for Israel.

In desperation, the king of Syria sent an army to frighten Elisha and interrupt his protection of Israel. In verse 15, we read that Elisha’s servant got up one day to go about his business only to find the house surrounded by Syrian soldiers armed for battle. In his panic, he alerted Elisha: “Alas, my master! What shall we do?”  Elisha’s servant saw and felt the current and present danger of their situation. But he did not know or understand what Elisha knew and understood. He didn’t realize that God was in control of the situation. Elisha didn’t quake, but instead said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 

Elisha knew what we do well to remember when we face various attacks on God’s work in our lives or ministries or businesses. God has resources far greater than those from any collection or schemes others may deploy to disrupt the things of God.

“O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see,” Elisha prayed. “So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

In dangerous times, an available God

There is an important instruction for us as we consider this passage. When we sense the work of the enemy or have fear that we are in danger of spiritual attack, we must immediately pray and ask the Lord to help us trust him instead of giving in to fear. In such times we must ask God for wisdom for our next steps. To ignore prayer is to put ourselves in a spiritually weak position. 

Elisha’s servant was surprised by the spiritual reinforcements close by, guarding the two of them and the people of Israel.  Nevertheless, it was clear that Elisha and his servant might be caught in the middle of a battle.  A second point to consider is that God’s involvement does not mean there might not still be a struggle or difficulty ahead of us. It does mean that God will be with us and get us through the situation.

A defeated enemy, a gracious God

Elisha prayed again: “Please strike this people with blindness,” and the Syrian army was blinded and unable to attack or take Elisha captive. As in the story of Joseph, what was intended for evil God turned into a situation that brought good. Elisha proceeded to lead the blinded Syrians directly to the king of Israel! The king of Israel was also surprised by this sudden turn of events and his sudden advantage, but also didn’t know what to do, so he asked Elisha, “Shall I strike them down? Shall I strike them down?” 

The king of Israel was told not to harm the opposition but to feed them. After they were full, they departed, and the Syrians discontinued their raids on Israel.

Hebrews tells us that the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit. No one is hidden from God’s sight, the Hebrews writer adds, but rather everyone’s intentions are completely visible to God, and everyone will be held accountable for their actions. When we engage with God through his Word and in prayer, his Holy Spirit will guide us and protect us as we face enemy opposition. The enemy of God cannot outsmart or outmaneuver God.

Lord, we acknowledge you as the Savior and Lord of our lives. We know you are for us and not against us. We know from your Word and have experienced in our lives that the enemy is active and dangerous and constantly working to interrupt the things of God in our lives. We know nothing can separate us from your love. We come humbly before you today, asking you to be our banner and our rock. Deliver us from any evil planned against us and from anything that disrupts the unity of the Spirit and the bond of love in our communities of faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your time with God’s Word
2 Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬-‭23; Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬-‭13; Psalm‬ ‭34‬:‭7‬ ‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Dean Collins

Pastor, campus minister, counselor, corporate employee, Fortune 500 consultant, college president—Dean brings a wide range of experiences and perspectives to his daily walk with God’s Word. 

In 1979 he founded Auburn Christian Fellowship, a nondenominational campus ministry that still thrives today. In 1989 he founded and became executive director for New Directions Counseling Center, a service that grew to include several locations and counselors. In 1996 he became vice president of human resources for the CheckFree Corporation (3,000 employees) till founding DC Consulting in 1999. He continues part-time service with that company, offering executive leadership coaching, organizational effectiveness advice, and help with optimizing business relationships.

His latest pursuit, president of Point University since 2006 (interim president 2006-2009), has seen the college grow in enrollment, curriculum, physical campus, and athletic offerings. He led the school’s 2012 name change and relocation from Atlanta Christian College, East Point, Georgia, to Point University in West Point, Georgia. Meanwhile, he serves as board member or active volunteer with several nonprofits addressing issues ranging from global immunization to local government and education. 

He lives in Lanett, Alabama, with his wife, Penny. He has four children (two married) and five grandchildren. He plays the guitar, likes to cook, and enjoys getting outdoors, often on a nearby golf course. 


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